“What I know, I know not by reason, but it has been given to me, revealed to me, and I know it with my heart.”

Leo Tolstoy, Anna Karenina


I am the author of Thread and Other Stories, a collection of short stories about life, existence, and characteristics that make us human.

Browse this site to check out my books and my blog.

Follow me on X (aka twitter) @dragonswordbook

Find me on Facebook at Eric Halpenny


Check out one of these blog posts to get started:

In the course of a lifetime there were some things that mattered
Our choices determine our story: have we done good or evil in or life?
The Only Story
Stand up for goodness, even when it is hard. All the Light We Cannot See.
All the Light
Choose to help those in need and be truly happy
Charlotte’s Web
The race is not to the swift, nor the battle to the strong.
Neither the swift, nor the strong
Shoah Memorial: behold if there be any sorrow like unto my sorrow
The Shoah